
From the very begin­ning, IBL has sup­port­ed the next gene­ra­ti­on of natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal road cycling as well as cyclo­cross. This sport is deep­ly roo­ted in the DNA of IBL and the­r­e­fo­re deser­ves the utmost atten­ti­on — always with the con­vic­tion to have the star of tomor­row in the squad.

It all star­ted with the youth team “Paul Voß Deve­lo­p­ment Team” of the for­mer Grand Tour par­ti­ci­pant (Giro d’I­ta­lia / Tour de France / Vuel­ta a Espa­ña) and wea­rer of climber’s jer­sey (Giro / Tour) Paul Voß. The jour­ney con­ti­nues with the inter­na­tio­nal­ly acti­ve youth cyclo­cross team Shop4Cross … and the pro­mi­se that cycling will con­ti­nue to be inex­tri­ca­bly lin­ked with IBL.


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